LUCID Workshops

Behaviour change – a guide to theory, frameworks and taxonomies.

Dr Ian Kellar & Dr Rebecca Beeken

Background, aims and content

What is the context to the workshop, what will it cover, what will participants gain from attending?

  • To briefly introduce attendees to the use of theory and mediating variable frameworks.
  • To briefly describe the steps specified by several intervention development frameworks.
  • To introduce taxonomies of behaviour change techniques.
  • To illustrate a workflow for improving the specification and evaluation behavioural interventions.
  • To practice specifying a behavioural intervention in terms of behaviour change techniques and their mechanisms of action.
  • To illustrate a workflow for integrating co-design approaches with behaviour change technique evidence.

Target Group

(Attendees assumed have at least a basic knowledge of or interest in intervention development but may have no prior knowledge of the workshop topic)

This workshop is suitable for people with an interest in behaviour change interventions, but does not require any prior knowledge. Examples will focus on smoking and diabetes self-management.