Leeds MEDtalks

We are delighted to launch the new Leeds MEDtalks which are short talks produced by clinical colleagues and MBChB students, (approximately 3-5minutes), projected through influential videos to help share tips, good ideas, areas of teaching innovation and good clinical teaching practice.
If you are interested in producing a MEDtalk for your placement, please contact Elizabeth Allen, Undergraduate Medical Education Coordinator, School of Medicine, Leeds; e.allen@leeds.ac.uk
Leeds MEDtalks
Click the titles to watch videos:
1. Developing the Clinical Teacher
Ms Shireen McKenzie Consultant Oncoplastic Breast Surgeon, St James' University Hospital, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust; MBChB Joint Head of Year 3
2. A Specialty Clinical Education Clinic - "lessons" from an Antenatal Model
Dr Etienne Ciantar, Consultant in Obstetrics & Medical Education, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust; Academic Manager - Gynacology, Obstetrics and Sexual Health- University of Leeds
3. A Successful Placement in a specialist setting
Dr Jason Ward, Consultant in Palliative Medicine, St Gemma's Hospice; MBChB head of Year 4
4. Top Ten Tips for staff to make a successful placement for medical students
Dr Lewis Bates, Clinical Education Fellow, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
5. Top Ten Tips for staff to make a successful placement for medical students
Laura O'Donnell, MBChB student, University of Leeds
6. Junior doctor led opportunities to provide feedback to students on the wards
Dr Lewis Bates, Clinical Education Fellow, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
7. Top Ten Tips to make a successful placement for medical students
Dr Nici Reece, Clinical Education Fellow, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust
8. Top Ten Tips to make a successful placement for medical students
Jasmine Malaburn, MBChB student, University of Leeds
9. Electronic Prescribing - teaching students prescribing on placements
Dr Matthew Milsom, Speciality Doctor in Anaesthetics, Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust
10. Clinical Staff Feedback System - Gaining feedback from students using QR codes
Dr Matthew Milsom, Speciality Doctor in Anaesthetics, Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust
11. How to support students with the emotional impact in being on clinical placements
Dr Clare Rayment, Consultant in Palliative Medicine; Medical Director: Marie Curie Hospice, Bradford; Clinical Lecturer/Lead for Hospices, Leeds Medical School
12. Giving personalised feedback to students on placement
Dr Dariush Saeedi, GP, The Spa Surgery, Harrogate
13. Developing safe prescribing for students
Dr Dariush Saeedi, GP, The Spa Surgery, Harrogate
14. Survive and thrive your FY1 post
Dr Amy Tulip, Foundation Doctor, West Yorkshire Training Programme