Continuing professional development

We are an ASPIRE-to-Excellence award winning team supporting faculty development in medical education. We enhance the quality of Medical Education through providing high-quality educational development opportunities to a global community of medical educators. Find out more about faculty development in the School of Medicine.
We aim to achieve this through scholarship, innovation and working in partnership with colleagues who share our vision of ‘excellence through scholarship’ in Medical Education.
We provide training through face-to-face workshops, conferences, E-learning courses and opportunities for shared learning through the creation of facilitated networks of medical education practitioners and specialists.
CPD and education programmes from the School of Medicine
Opportunities are available to all involved in teaching and training on our programmes (including the MBChB, MSc Physician Associate Studies). Those with an interest in education are welcome to attend workshops, courses and training events which support teaching, supervising or tutoring or mentoring.
How to get involved in teaching
There are several ways to get more involved in teaching. For teaching within the MBChB please look at the opportunities available in our MBChB booklet.
The CPD team hold a secure volunteer list. Opportunities to teach/mark/supervise within the MBChB and Physicians Associate programme are emailed to this list. If you would like to be on this mailing list, please email the inbox.
Our CPD events
Our CPD activities are free to those who are involved in teaching our students. Events are focussed on student learning, assessment in medical education and pastoral and academic support for students.
We are planning to offer a programme of events that will support the enhancement of teaching, assessment and pastoral skills.
E-learning resources
Student Support - if you are a tutor or personal tutor or if you have teaching responsibilities, online resources are available to download specifically focused on Student Support. Our colleagues have published an AMEE guide for student support in medical undergraduate education, with free access.
The Organisational Development and Professional Learning (ODPL) at the University of Leeds have online resources for learning and teaching as well as information and guidance about working and standards at the University.
Mentor network
Leeds Institute of Medical Education has developed a network of medical education mentors to provide junior doctors, or doctors and healthcare professionals just beginning to undertake teaching responsibilities in West Yorkshire with support for their teaching activities. There will be an update on registering interest into this network soon.
Develop your teaching expertise with formal programmes
If you are interested in furthering and formalising your teaching skills, the university has accredited courses to build upon your existing knowledge. You may want to look into the following courses offered: