Clinical placements

Some of the great strengths of the Leeds MBChB are our focus on patient involvement, and the variety of placement experiences open to you.
We will encourage you from day one to develop your consultation, clinical and practical skills, and begin to define your own style as a doctor.
Clinical placements
The School of Medicine's strong partnerships with the major Leeds teaching hospitals, regional general hospitals, general practices, hospices and private organisations provide our students with early clinical experience across primary care, hospital care and the wider community.
A substantial proportion of healthcare is delivered in the community and this is reflected in the proportion of time you will spend in primary and community care placements. We have a world-class primary care special spiral that runs from year one through to senior year five placements.
Years one and two
While on placement in a general practice in years one and two, you will work with voluntary groups close to your practice – helping you learn the importance of the voluntary sector as potential partners in healthcare delivery. Over the last few years our students have worked with a diverse range of over 250 community organisations.
Year three
In year three students will integrate their clinical skills and knowledge by undertaking five junior clinical placements, each lasting five weeks. This will provide you with a thorough grounding in general medicine and exposure to a diverse range of conditions and patients. Placements include those in integrated medicine, surgery and peri-operative care, elderly and rehabilitation care, primary care and special senses.
Year four
In year four you undertake a further five clinical placements lasting six weeks each. These offer experience in specialist areas of medicine such as psychiatry, paediatrics and child health, gynaecology, obstetrics and sexual health, emergency and critical care, and cancer and continuing care.
Year five
As a year five MBChB student you will participate in a mandatory series of clinical placements with a strong focus on transition to early postgraduate practice. These placements provide core experience in key clinical areas, with additional small variations in clinical exposure allowing you to tailor the final year to suit your individual learning needs.