
A research topic within the School of Medicine

Cancer University of Leeds


Our aims

Our aim is to improve cancer outcomes through a range of interdisciplinary approaches. We cover the breadth of clinical cancer care and our work also encompasses biology, physical and engineering sciences.

Every two minutes, someone in the UK is diagnosed with cancer. Early and accurate diagnosis, together with effective and well tolerated treatments, will continue to improve the outcomes and quality of life for cancer patients and survivors.

There are major challenges to overcome in order to reduce cancer incidence and improve outcomes for cancer patients. Understanding the causes of cancer and the underlying biological basis will drive approaches to cancer prevention, while new biological understanding will power the identification of new therapeutic approaches to novel targets.

Interdisciplinary teams drive new chemical, physical and engineering discoveries which can be translated into novel devices and technologies for clinical use. Early and accurate diagnosis, along with the right cancer health strategies during and after treatment, will steadily improve the outcomes of all cancer patients.

Our approach to improving cancer outcomes involves:

  • the application of pathological and clinical sciences to create a more precise practice of cancer surgery and oncology
  • clinical and applied health research
  • collaboration with biologists, physical scientists and engineers to develop and apply new discoveries in these sciences and new devices to improve cancer outcomes in the long term.

Our research

Within the research topic Cancer, we have a number of research groups which each focus on a different specialised area.

More on Our research groups

View a list of staff who work within our Cancer research topic.

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