Patient and public involvement

At the Leeds School of Medicine we put patients and the public at the centre of what we do.

Patient and public involvement (PPI) is defined by INVOLVE as "Research being carried out 'with' or 'by' members of the public rather than 'to', 'about' or 'for' them". Key to successful involvement is ensuring that staff work alongside patients and the public to improve their experiences, encouraging active participation in care and treatment.

Our patient-centric approach

We involve patients and the public in our research in a number of ways:

  • Developing information sheets that ensure research is understood by research participants.
  • Involving patients and the public as members of our research project advisory groups.
  • Involving them as trained researchers, for example helping to conduct interviews with participants.
  • Engage them to help us understand the results of research and making sure it is reported well.
  • Encourage them to disseminate research findings.

School of Dentistry

The School of Dentistry has established a robust patient-centric approach to oral and dental health clinical research by adopting the philosophy “No research about us without us!”. With insight coming from more than 20 activie contributors, at the School of Dentistry we use SMILE AIDER PPIE to help shape our ongoing research.

School of Healthcare

PPI at the School of Healthcare is about delivering health and social care by listening to those who provide and receive care themselves. From service users to carers, we use their insight and experience to shape our research

School of Medicine

Our research at the School of Medicine is focused on delivering research excellence that impacts on human health and wellbeing. By working collaboratively with researchers across various disciplines, together our research explores detection and treatment, improving care and improving the quality of life for those with long-term conditions.

School of Psychology

Research at the School of Psyhology is commited to producing a meaningful and positive impact for society. Shaped by our Grand Challenges, the School's research groups work with people from all over the world to explore a range of targeted areas for the world.