Ruth Abigobu-Alafun
- Course: Medical Imaging MSc
- Year of graduation: 2016
- Nationality: Nigerian
I am from Nigeria and graduated from the University of Ghana with a BSc in Diagnostic Radiography in 2013 and I worked as a radiographer before my admission into the University of Leeds. I decided to study Medical Imaging at Leeds because of the structure of the course and the time frame.
The thing I enjoyed the most studying at the University of Leeds is the ease and comfort provided for studying, ranging from books to study spaces and the trips organised by LUU.
During my course, I learnt the following challenging topics; Application of Convolution and Filter, Quantification and Imaging Registration, Spin-Echo and Gradient Echo Imaging and Scan Parameters.
All the modules I studied were compulsory and interesting but Medical Image Analysis, MRI and Radionuclide Imaging stood out for me. These modules were not just new to me but also challenging and inspiring. They acted as an eye opener not only to current practices in the field but also the changes and development that are expected to happen in the future.
As a Radiographer, I feel Medical imaging provides a blend between the clinical aspect of imaging as well as a bit of engineering and in turn leading to a much better understanding and appreciation of image quality. It has also opened my mind to rapid development in imaging and how I can be involved as well as move with this fast growing field.
The University of Leeds also has top notch teaching facilities available for students. I found the library to be most influential in my study. It wasn’t as effective studying in my room as compared to the library. I recall staying back after lectures to either study or to do assignments in the Health Science Library. The closing time for the library was 12 am making it possible to take breaks and also read into the night which was an absolutely fantastic time for me to study.
The lecturers were very supportive. They were very approachable and very generous with their time. They were there to give further explanations or guidance through scheduled visits or emails.
The advice I would give to students considering studying Medical Imaging at Leeds is to study hard and work hard. Do not take any lecture, practical or assignment for granted. Do not be scared to approach the lecturers or staff when in need of assistance.
Now I have graduated I intend to implement what I have learnt as much as possible and also using this qualification as a ladder into furthering my career path in terms of obtaining a PhD.