Nina Brown
- Course: Healthcare Science (Audiology) BSc
- Year of graduation: 2018
Leeds is a really vibrant city, and the university has loads going on.
I really enjoyed the Year 2 module on Audiological Assessment and Disorder. It was clear how all the content was directly applicable to placement and the module enabled us to better understand the science and evidence behind many of the things we do.
I have been on placement at York Teaching Hospital which is a brilliant hospital, with a really friendly audiology department. I love the range of things that we can do and observe at York. In addition to lots of adult rehab, we’ve also seen paediatrics, balance, tinnitus, BAHAs, home-visits and complex clinics.
I really like the fact that we have the opportunity to see different parts of Yorkshire and meet staff and patients from a range of places. Leeds University also contributes towards our expenses for our placements, meaning that we’re not out of pocket for going. Most of us share a placement site with another student, which helps us in building our support networks and friendships.
We are assessed via written projects, practical assessments, exams and through informal quizzes. It’s demanding but this mix of assessment enables us to process the content needed for us to qualify in a meaningful way.
The teaching quality at Leeds is great. Our lecturers put a lot of time and effort into delivering our modules and making them interesting and enjoyable.
The advice I would give to students considering studying audiology at Leeds is, make use of your tutors and personal tutors – they know their stuff and are all really friendly and approachable. Also, do some volunteering at your local sensory support service, or Leeds sensory support service, to get a real idea of what the job will involve. When you get here do get involved with societies – like the sign language society, or the ice hockey club. Come along, study hard and have fun!
I play roller-hockey and ice hockey at a very competitive level – last year I played roller-hockey for GB and made the reserves team for BUCS GB ice hockey team. In year 3 I was the Assistant Captain of the Leeds Gryphons ice hockey team and trialled for GB. My tutors supported me with managing the demands of placement and my studies in a way that enabled me to continue training and competing at a high level while also completing my degree.