Michael Bell
- Course: PhD in Cardiovascular Science
- PhD title: Cardiovascular Science
I choose to come to the University of Leeds to complete my PhD as during my undergraduate studies, I became interested in pursuing a career in medical imaging. With a keen interest in the challenges of cardiac imaging, it was important for me to undertake my PhD research in Leeds, the heart of clinical cardiac imaging. The University of Leeds holds a leading BHF 4 year PhD program. The program offers a wide range of projects which are multidisciplinary and offers a bespoke training plan for students.
Within my research programme, I am enjoying plenty of hands on laboratory time, training in a wide range of techniques. The vast expertise of Pls in the institute.
The highlights of the PhD so far have been conducting imaging experiments in the brand new ePIC facility. The expertise and support of the supervisory team. Opportunity to present research at the faculty away days. The highlights of my time at the University of Leeds so far have been learning a wide range of techniques from supervisors and making lifetime friends.
My research project is based on molecular imaging of abdominal aortic aneurysm. This involves studying the use of molecular probes which could use a stratification biomarkers in the detection and management of abdominal aortic aneurysm.
My PhD has benefitted me through the development of time and project management as well as directing my own projects. A PhD in medical imaging will act as a pathway into further medical imaging or into a career in the NHS as a clinical scientist.
The facilities in LICAMM and the University of Leeds are state of the art. ePIC houses leading equipment in medical imaging and the microscopy suite houses a range of excellent microscopes. There is plenty of lab space within LICAMM, with various rooms housing equipment for a range of specialist scientific techniques, such as cell culture. The facilities are purposely built to house state of the art equipment in a wide range of techniques and methods.
The key aspects of my experience I would highlight to students thinking about coming to do a PhD here is that each project is multidisciplinary, breaking down the barriers of science with a wide range of expertise and knowledge.
My ambition is to become a leader in cardiac medical imaging. Completing a PhD will provide access into a career as an independent researcher or working as a clinical scientist in the NHS.