Katie Barry
- Course: BSc Radiography
- Year of graduation: 2017
- Job title: Radiographer
What do you enjoy most about studying at Leeds?
Leeds has always been my home. It is a vibrant, multicultural city that has so much to offer. The University of Leeds itself is a well renowned and fantastic place to study. Our course is thorough with an in depth curriculum, which makes Leeds graduates highly sought after.
Overall I think the enthusiastic, passionate and hugely supportive university Radiography team have been one of the highlights of studying at Leeds.
What interesting modules did you study and why?
I did choose the “Advanced Medical Imaging Systems” module this year which was very interesting. Its focus was on advances in the technologies within medical imaging and it is absolutely fascinating to see a glimpse into the future of our profession. Medical imaging is continuously evolving and improving, some of the new advances and research are incredible and will have hugely positive impacts on the healthcare of patients. The module made you think about each type of imaging and evaluate why their advances may or may not be beneficial, both to patients and to the NHS. It encourages a greater understanding for the technology we take for granted and where it may lead in the future.
Why are you passionate about studying radiography?
Radiography is such a huge part of healthcare, although largely unrecognised! As radiographers, we play a pivotal role in the treatment pathways of each patient. It is a course/career that challenges you both practically and academically; it enables you to develop excellent people skills and practical abilities. Personally I am passionate about delivering the best care to each patient that I x-ray. That includes acquiring the most diagnostic images possible, to ensure suitable treatment can follow; but also includes displaying empathy and compassion. We see people at their worst- they may be scared, in pain, angry, frustrated etc. My passion is helping patients on their pathway back to good health again, by delivering compassionate and competent care in every situation.
Radiography also opens doors to a wide array of career pathways. You can really tailor your career to your interests and passions.
Where did you go on placement and what was it like there?
I have been on placement in the Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust (LTHT) for my 1st year and 3rd year and I was in the Hull and East Yorkshire (HEY) Trust during my 2nd year on the course. Each Trust is very different, and each hospital within each Trust is also very different. This varied range of experience has been valuable in the long run and has given me a well-rounded knowledge to propel me into my career. Placement has always been an equal mix of terrifying and exhilarating. It keeps you on your toes and there is so much to learn every day. Each Trust has enthusiastic and supportive staff that are eager to accommodate students and their learning.
What are the best aspects to the way our placements are organised?
By alternating between two trusts, you get to learn a greater range of protocols and techniques that aid in your ability to adapt; which is essential in a career in Radiography. Your placements are organised to ensure you gain experience in each essential area, such as general departments, A&E, theatre and mobiles. As a St James’ student in my 1st and 3rd years, I saw oncology, minor injuries and non-traumatic theatre. However in Hull, I was based at the trauma hospital, Hull Royal Infirmary, and gained more experience in trauma. The rotation meant I gained a wealth of experience and met some fantastic staff along the way.
What do you think of the teaching quality and facilities at the University of Leeds?
The quality of teaching at Leeds has been fantastic. The lecturers and module leads are supportive and each very enthusiastic about what they teach. The facilities are suitable for our needs and I am aware that there are always further attempts to bring in new and exciting resources for students to get involved with
How did your lecturers provide you with support, advice and guidance?
As the course is relatively small, the lecturers are able to get to know each student individually and are more than happy to reciprocate the hard work you put into the course. After each lecture, they would stay behind to explain things or reassure us if needed. They would arrange extra student centred lectures and were always just an email away if in need of anything. They understand it’s a hard course, and they genuinely look after us and want each student to fully achieve their potential.
What advice would you give to students considering studying Radiography at Leeds?
Be prepared to work hard. The course is difficult because there is a heavy academic workload but also a heavy clinical workload; but don’t be afraid to access support when you need it. Also, try to enjoy the process, even when the going gets tough. Mostly, be proactive and positive! Go to work each day with a smile and make the most of your time in each hospital. Make each staff member remember you in a positive way and step out of your comfort zones.
Where do you hope to/or have you secured your graduated role?
I have secured a job in the Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust and hope to settle in there and begin career progression with the fantastic Trust.
What are the best aspects to the social life at the University?
As Leeds is a large and vibrant city, it is not short of things to do! There are many places to eat, visit and explore with friends. Leeds University also has a large variety of clubs and societies that you can get involved with, where you can meet new people.
Did you get involved with any extra-curricular activities (Societies, Sports, Job, Volunteering etc.)? What did you do?
I became the Publisher in our own Radiography Society (RADSOC) Committee during my 3rd year of studying. I also thoroughly enjoyed volunteering for various open days and events to help promote radiography as a career.
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