Zoe craig

Zoe Craig

I chose this course because it offered a rare chance to learn applied data analytics in real world data, rather than mainly focusing on theory. One of the key highlights for me was the research project, because it brought together lots of what we'd learnt in the previous modules into a single piece of work that you make your own. I also enjoyed learning about the pitfalls of different modelling techniques and what not to do as a health data scientist or medical statistician. Also, the enthusiasm of the lecturers when teaching was excellent and really helped with engaging me with the topics being taught.

Staff were always available to support either in person or via email to assist with any problems. For example, if you were really struggling with coursework, I felt that staff were happy to meet up and talk through any difficulties to ensure that you could complete work without any unnecessary stress.

Since finishing the course, I have been working as a Medical Statistician at the University of Leeds. The clinical trials module, which was taught be staff working as trial statisticians, provided a great overview of conducting a clinical trial, from the perspective of the trial statistician. Additionally, the modelling techniques in other modules, such as the module in causal inference, have given me the key methods to use for analysing observational data in R and Stata.

Read more about our other recent health data analytics, epidemiology and biostatistics students: