Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
Alex Stockley Psychology student case study 2018 Alexandra Holgate-Stuckey Psychology BSc
Ali Mair, Alumni, School of Psychology Ali Mair Psychology
Amber Rawcliffe, Alumni, School of Psychology Amber Rawcliffe
Amy Garratt, Alumni, School of Psychology Amy Garratt Psychology
Anastasia Aivatoglou MSc Psychological
Approaches to Health student case study 2018 Anastasia Aivatoglou Psychological Approaches to Health MSc Greek
Anna Alexander, Alumni, School of Psychology Anna Alexander Psychology
Bella Mossad, Alumni, School of Psychology Bella Mossad Psychology
Ben Webster BSc Psychology student case study 400 2018 Benjamin Webster Psychology BSc
Cognitive Development and Disorders MSc Student. Carolina MontaƱez Valenzuela Cognitive Development and Disorders MSc Mexican
Catherine burgess BSc psychology Alumnus Case Study 2018 Catherine Burgess Psychology BSc
Charlotte Bevan, Alumni, School of Psychology Charlotte Bevan Psychology
Psychology Placement case study Cherly Low 2018 Cheryl Low Psychology BSc
Chloe Waterman Psychology student year abroad case study and testimonial 2018 Chloe Waterman Psychology BSc
Claire cox bsc psychology international study case study Claire Cox Psychology BSc (International)
Psychology student profile Clara Fulton Psychology BSc
Despoina Matziarli  MSc Psychology student case study 400x400 Despoina Matziarli Psychology BSc Greece
Dominic Manwani, Alumni, School of Psychology Dominic Manwani Psychology Swiss
Dominic O'Connor Dominic O'Connor Advanced Psychology MPsyc, BSc
Elizabeth Mckee BSc Psychology student case study 2018 400x400 Elizabeth Mckee Psychology BSc
Emily Beck BSc Psychology year in industry case study 2018 Emily Beck Psychology BSc