Student support

As a student at Leeds, you'll have access to a range of support and services, to help make your time at university as happy, settled and successful as possible.
Personal and academic support
Every Leeds student is also assigned a personal tutor, who can support you with all aspects of your university life, from pastoral issues to your academic and personal development.
You'll get to know your tutor through regular catch-ups and tutor group meetings, and we'll give you the chance to create your own meeting agendas, meaning you receive focused and informative advice.
Careers support
We provide careers support and guidance from day one, to prepare you for your next step after university and help you transition into the world of work as smoothly as possible.
You'll work with the School’s staff, the Leeds for Life initiative and our student society, PsychSoc, to develop the tools and skills you'll need to pursue a career path that interests you.
Adjusting to student life
Our School's psychology society, PsychSoc plays an important role in the lives of our students and will help you to make the most of your time at Leeds.
You'll have the opportunity to take part in a fantastic range of events and socials, and become part of our welcoming student community.
Mentoring support
If you need some friendly advice or just someone to talk to, we offer peer mentoring to all our students.
As a new student, you'll receive assistance from our existing psychology students, who'll help you settle into university life.
If you choose to become a mentor, you'll also get the chance to develop important skills, particularly those valued by employers such as communication, leadership, confidence and time management.
Our staff
Dr Christina Sotiropoulou Drosopoulou is the Study Abroad and International Student Tutor for the School of Psychology. Alongside the usual educational and personal tutoring support provided to all our students, Christina has special responsibility for international students in the School, including those with us on study abroad programmes. Christina makes sure that our international students are warmly welcomed to the School, feel integrated into our learning community, and have all the necessary information about events and resources available at the university and within the wider community. She provides three special sessions at the start of the academic term to help our international students settle in: a welcome meeting, and academic expectations tutorial, and an essay writing tutorial. She is also available to support you throughout your stay in Leeds through signposting appropriate resources (eg English-language courses free at the University Language Centre) and providing information on such things as study skills, how to use University online student education platforms, and how to manage your workload.
All our international students are invited to join the highly active and welcoming Faculty Global Community. This is a wide network of international students with lots of events and opportunities to get to know people. There is also a lot going on in the School of Psychology, eg, PsychSoc, opportunities to represent the student body within the School, to get involved in psychology research, and to volunteer in the wider community. We also have a special network for international students in the School as you can see from the Facebook page which provides a great way of sharing information and keeping in touch.