Amber Rawcliffe
- Year of graduation: 2012
- Job title: EMEA Professional Relations & Operations Associate
I initially started at this pharmaceutical company as a contract project administrator, over the years I’ve progressed internally to the permanent role that I’m in now. In this role, I’m primarily responsible for the facilitation of processes designed to ensure the Company meets statutory and regulatory requirements relating to health care fraud and abuse.
A Psychology degree from the University of Leeds has provided me with lots of transferable skills, namely time management, ability to manage deadlines, report writing, attention to detail and being a dedicated team player. Those group presentations, particularly as part of the Applied Psychology module, really do set you up for managing group projects in the workplace.
If you know quite early on that you don’t want to pursue a career as a Psychologist then look outside the box in terms of gaining some work experience in your chosen industry or taking a year to do an industrial placement/ sandwich year. That was one of the major learnings for me that a Psychology degree provides a huge amount of transferable skills for the workplace but quite often you can’t get in the door without some kind of prior experience.