Research project
- Start date: 1 February 2011
- End date: 01/01/12015
- Value: €1.99 million
- Partners and collaborators: Funded by the European Commission
Consortium for Health Policy and Systems Analysis in Africa
African capacity to conduct health policy and systems research is currently limited, despite regional and international recognition of the importance of this area of research. Few African scientists work in this relatively new area of health research, and few African universities offer relevant training programmes.
At the same time, policymakers are often not aware of relevant research and the interactions between the research and policy communities necessary to support evidence-informed policies are weak.
Aim & Objectives
CHEPSAA aims to extend sustainable African capacity to produce and use high quality health policy and systems research, by harnessing synergies among a Consortium of African and European universities with relevant expertise. Specific project objectives are to:
- Assess the capacity development needs of the African Consortium members and their national policy networks, in relation to health policy and systems research and evidence-informed decision-making, and relevant training.
- Support the development of African researchers and educators equipped with the skills, confidence and organisational support necessary to provide health policy and systems training, conduct such research and engage with their wider policy networks.
- Strengthen the educational capacity of these African universities by consolidating and extending the training they offer in health policy and systems research and evidence-informed decision-making.
- Strengthen networking among the health policy and systems education, research and policy communities within and across the African countries of focus, to generate and extend demand for this research and supporting evidence-informed policymaking.
- Ensure effective coordination among Consortium members and engage with other research networks to share the products and experience of this Consortium more widely.
The project is a Coordination Action and as such, rather than generating new knowledge, is aimed at strengthening research and educational capacity of African institutions. The project includes five interrelated work-packages (WPs): WP1 focuses on needs assessment; WPs 2–4 cover different areas of capacity strengthening related to education, research, and networking and; WP5 is devoted to project coordination and knowledge communication.
Leeds University had a particular role in co-ordinating a multi-partner capacity assessment in the early stages of the project.
The intended results are for improved capacity of African partner institutions and their networks in health policy and systems education and research.
Partners & Collaborators
CHEPSAA Consortium comprises 11 partner institutions from different countries:
- UK – London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (Project Coordinator)
- South Africa – University of Cape Town
- Tanzania – University of Dar es Salaam
- Ghana – University of Ghana
- Kenya – Tropical Institute of Community Health
- Nigeria – College of Medicine, University of Nigeria
- South Africa – University of the Western Cape
- South Africa – University of the Witwatersrand
- UK – University of Leeds
- Sweden – Karolinska Institute
- Switzerland – Swiss Tropical Institute
CHEPSAA team at the University of Leeds:
Dr Tolib Mirzoev (Principal Investigator), Assoc. Professor International Health Policy and Systems
Administration: Natalie Pillay (