Visiting Lecturer Scheme
IMT Visiting Lecture Scheme
The highly successful Visiting Lecturer (VL) scheme at the University of Leeds has been established with GPST Doctors for over 10 years and has recently been expanded to include Internal Medicine Trainees (IMT). This initiative is recognised by Higher Education England. IMT trainees are eligible to apply at any stage in their training scheme.
IMT Visiting Lecturer Scheme
The application for the scheme requires signed support from the trainee’s educational supervisor indicating that the trainee is showing excellent progression through their training.
Successful candidates will work within the Medical School as part of their Study Leave allocation to support teaching across the MBChB course. Visiting Lecturers should have a passion for education and be keen to expand their knowledge and skills in teaching through bespoke training, feedback, and mentoring from experts at the University.
The Leeds Institute of Medical Education (LIME) is a vibrant environment for learning and teaching with an international profile of excellence. The Institute holds 6 ASPIRE to excellence awards from the Association of Medical Educators Europe (ASMEE) and benefits from a wealth of experience and a strong track record of scholarship in medical pedagogy.
All IMT Visiting Lecturers are expected to complete CPD workshops and to engage in the practical experience of delivery of teaching at an undergraduate level. A minimum commitment of 5 half-days of teaching activity over the course of the year is expected, although most of our trainees do more than this to take advantage of the range of opportunities offered.
Visiting Lecturers benefit from being part of an academic institution, being able to attend teaching and research seminars delivered at the institute, should they wish. They are given library access and more importantly access to an academically stimulating environment. This can raise opportunities for involvement in research and further educational development.
The successful candidates would:
- Complete the relevant CPD sessions.
- Observe experienced educators facilitate across several different teaching modalities.
- Be given the opportunity to undertake undergraduate teaching at the University of Leeds across a wide range of teaching environments from small group facilitation, to teaching practical skills such as clinical examination.
- Collect feedback from teaching and reflect on this to develop practice.
- Have access to teaching and learning resources through access to the University
- Library resources and support. Visiting titles would be provided.
- Opportunity to attend Institute seminars and any educational activity that they wish to in line with their current clinical contract.
- Opportunities to be involved in the development of teaching resources.
- Opportunity to be involved in the assessment of student learning on MBChB with guidance from course managers.
This Visiting Lecturer title would be conferred for at least one year at the University of Leeds and would be non-transferable.
Continuing Professional Development
Visiting Lecturers will receive bespoke training and mentorship from experienced educators within the School of Medicine. Sessions will be focussed on ensuring VLs develop their teaching skills through hands-on practice with peer and expert feedback to improve performance. VLs will receive feedback on their teaching practice over the period of the scheme. Training will include practical skills teaching, small group facilitation, lecturing, online delivery of teaching (hybrid), feedback, and assessment.
Educational Sessions
The undergraduate MBChB offers a wealth of teaching and learning opportunities for IMTs. Existing Visiting Lecturers have been involved in a wide variety of teaching sessions including bedside teaching on clinical examination, small group facilitation on a range of topics, University-based clinical skills teaching and have helped develop novel materials for teaching on MBChB.
Commitments and Benefits
IMT trainees will be required to take time out of clinical practice, which should be part of the normal study leave with agreement by their training programme director. For each year of the programme, they would be required to take a minimum of 5 half days.
The University would require the successful candidates to comply with contractual obligations in relation to facilitating agreed teaching sessions to ensure the undergraduate student-taught programme is not jeopardised. Having IMTs teaching in the School of Medicine provides role models for undergraduates which further improves recruitment into the profession.
What will I do?
Visiting Lecturers will teach a minimum of 5 sessions at the University during the 12-month post. Sessions will include practical skills instructing, small group facilitation, and bedside teaching.
Who should apply?
We expect a highly competitive application process for the scheme recruiting high calibre trainees with a passion for education. To ensure trainees have adequate time to commit to the programme, completion of some or all of the MRCP diploma prior to starting the scheme is a desirable, but not essential application criterion. We hope to attract trainees interested in a career in medical education keen to further their existing knowledge, skills and experience.
Is this a paid position?
There is no direct remuneration for the scheme. The VL programme is a valuable opportunity for formal training in and experience of student education. A Visiting Lecturer University contract entitles VL to the use of UoL resources including the Library, CPD courses and online journal access.
Please email Dr Andrew Walker at if you have any queries.
How to apply
Applications will be accepted by application form only and the closing date for these is Saturday 17th July at 5.00pm.
Please use this form to apply.