Research projects

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Past projects

Title Funder Start date End date
What does shared decision-making mean to children aged 8-12 years with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia?
Values Based Recruitment: What works for whom, why, and in what circumstances? - -
Understanding the prevalence, care and management of frailty in care home residents - -
Trans-venous occlusion of incompetent pelvic veins as a treatment for chronic pelvic pain in women: a pilot randomised control trial
Towards modelling an asthma e-health communication tool for young people: a scoping exercise of current practice
The safety and quality of the management of medicines when people with dementia move between the care home and hospital setting - PhD study
The RECO study: Realist Evaluation of service models and systems for CO- existing serious mental health and substance use conditions
The GEM study: Games for educating midwives in Sub-Saharan Africa
The detection and management of pain in patients with dementia in acute care settings: development of a decision tool - -
The challenges of shared decision making and antipsychotic polypharmacy in forensic settings an interview and observational study - -
Supporting young mothers (aged 14-25) in the first two years of life
SPICES: Seclusion and Psychiatric Intensive Care Evaluation Study - -
Social Prescribing: A way forward in assisting self-management of osteoarthritis (OA) - -
Relationship between care home staffing and quality of care: a mixed methods approach - -
Re-imagining professionalism in mental health Economic and Social and Humanities Research Council (ESRC)
Providing the foundation for effective decision support for skin problems in primary care - -
Providing a standardised approach to virtual clinical follow up of total joint replacement - -
Prescribing and use of opioids for chronic non-malignant pain: a meta-synthesis of qualitative studies - -
Patient Safety Translational Research Centre - Safe Use of Medicines Theme
Organising general practice for care homes: A multi-method study - -
NICHE-leeds Nov 2018 -
Midland and North of England Stillbirth Study
Medication adherence Validation and feasibility testing of a novel questionnaire to identify barriers to medication adherence
Let’s talk about the S word: developing an interactive training resource to engage and meet the sexuality and intimacy needs of care home residents. 1st January 2019 30th December 2021
Leeds Older women Urinary Incontinence Self-Management (LOUISA)
Investigating the barriers and facilitators to the prescribing and use of medicines in managing neuropathic pain- PhD study
Innovation to enhance health in care homes: Rapid evidence synthesis - -
Improving the safety and continuity of medicines management at care transitions (ISCOMAT) for people with heart failure - -
Implementing the six core strategies (6CS) – UK Working in partnership to minimise harm to patients and staff.
Identifying and managing perinatal mental health in male partners using the Born and Bred in Yorkshire (BaBY) cohort: White Rose collaboration in gender and perinatal mental health
Fostering and sustaining UK, multidisciplinary, family-focused care across the life-course: A White Rose collaboration in long-term condition management
Evaluation of patient preferences for and cost effectiveness of community intravenous antibiotic services (CIVAS) - -
Engaging Partners in Childbirth for Prevention of Mother-To-Child Transmission of HIV (EPOCH Study): preliminary work for a randomised controlled trial
Effects of a demand-led evidence briefing service on the uptake and use of research evidence by commissioners of health - -
Early facilitated discharge in acute mental health - -
Developing a service user centred co-designed patient safety intervention for acute mental health wards: A mixed methods process evaluation
Delivering Digital Drugs - -
Culturally adapted Family Intervention (CaFI) for African Caribbeans with schizophrenia and their families - -
CONTRAST Establishing components of interventions to reduce restrictive practices with children and young people: an evidence synthesis.
COMPARE Establishing components of programmes to reduce restrictive practices: an evidence synthesis
Clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a multifaceted podiatry intervention for falls prevention in older people - -
Children and young people with CKD: a qualitative study of their views on desirable components for a developmentally appropriate, CKD-specific information and support software application
Children and young people aged 8-15 years with severe allergic eye disease: Development and refinement of a developmentally appropriate Quality of Life measure
Care Homes Independent Pharmacist Prescribing Study (CHIPPS) - -
Cancer care co-ordinators and support workers supporting specialist cancer nursing services - -
Barriers and facilitators to deprescribing for older people living in care homes – PhD study
Assessing research capacity and capability (RECAP) in HCPs: A collaborative pilot study in Leeds Children’s Hospital
Apps for adolescents with chronic rheumatic disease (CRD): a qualitative study of young people’s, parents’ and professionals’ views on required components of a mobile health-app to support self-care
An exploration of the perspectives of chronic pelvic pain amongst women from South Asian backgrounds - -
An evaluation of the Birth Matters Clinic
Administration of medicines in care homes (with nursing) for older people by care assistants - -
Addressing what matters to frail older people and their informal carers in primary care based clinical encounters and contacts - -
Acceptability of an online dietary recall tool in women with gestational diabetes - -
A review of evidence on skin care for healthy babies at term and to inform the development of practice guidelines
A realist synthesis to explain how, for whom and in what circumstances different community mental health crisis services work. (MH-CREST)