Our student support

There might be times when you would like some additional support. Whatever your situation, we’re here to help and guide you and we have expert teams who can work with you during your time at Leeds.
Our open-door policy means students can pop in or make appointments to see them about any issues affecting their progress on the programme, which may require occasional, intermittent or longer term support. Additionally, they liaise with disability services helping students to navigate academic barriers to study.
Personal tutors
All students are allocated a personal tutor at the beginning of the programme. The personal tutor’s role is to support you academically and pastorally and where necessary refer to the Academic Lead for ongoing support or external referral. They see their students regularly and are involved in monitoring their academic and clinical development. School of Healthcare personal tutors are valued and respected across the University.
Student Education Service (SES)
SES is your first port of call for any concerns. They are based on the ground floor of Baines Wing and each programme and module has support from a dedicated SES member of staff. Contact details for will be shared in module and programme handbooks when you begin study.
Academic supervisors
For each module students are allocated an academic supervisor whose role is to help and guide you through the module, they may clarify things regarding the taught content or advise regarding the assessment, they will usually be the person who marks and gives feedback on student assessments.
Other Support
Students are often referred to other agencies within the University such as the Student Advice Centre for financial/housing advice, Student Counselling Centre for personal issues. We offer a wide range of support and wellbeing around mental health, counselling and wellbeing, disability services and personal resources provision.