
When you join the School of Healthcare, you'll have access to our excellent healthcare facilities, both on-site and online.
Skills and simulation facilities
Our skills and simulation facilities and fully furnished flat allow us to recreate hospital wards with beds, ancillary equipment and washing areas to mirror the conditions students experience in clinical environments. We can set these spaces up to simulate the following:
- an adult ward
- a paediatric and maternity ward
- an intensive care unit with simulated patients (highly fidelity manikins)
- a large general ward,
- a maternity suite with Sim mum and Sim baby
- and we also have a fully furnished flat with lounge, kitchen, bathroom and bedroom (with elderly or child occupants).
Take our 360 Tour
Take a look around our facilities with the 360 tour to learn more about our practice skills facilities, simulated patients and hospital wards.
Online facilities
Our online facilities are available to you to support your studies or placement. Our Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is used by all students to provide remote access to course materials and learning resources, allowing you to submit work for marking and much more. This will become part of your life as a Healthcare student and will help you to stay organised and informed about your course and schedule.
IT facilities
You'll have a wide range of access to IT and support across campus. The Baines Wing is within a few minutes stroll to outstanding University IT facilities at the Laidlaw Library, the Parkinson 24-hour facility, the Brotherton library and the Edward Boyle library.
Student zones
Our student zones comprise two specially designed areas for you to study or unwind.
The Study Zone incorporates the latest interactive technology in two group learning pods, enabling you to collaborate on joint projects. This area combines a traditional study environment with modern enhancements, including soft seating for small groups or individual use, within a soundproofed area.
The Chillout Zone provides a relaxing place for you to meet up with friends. You'll be able to catch up and unwind on comfortable sofas, easy chairs and enjoy a plasma TV within a full wireless environment. This is a popular community area.
Miall Lecture Theatre
Named after Louis Compton Miall, the first Professor of Biology at the University of Leeds. This lecture facility seats around 100 people and has been faithfully restored to its former 1890s glory.