Useful contacts

INVOLVE is a national advisory group that supports greater public involvement in NHS, public health and social care research. INVOLVE is funded by and part of the National Institute of Health Research (NIHR). They share knowledge and learning on public involvement in research.
National Voices
National Voices is for commenting on and helping to shape health and social care. National Voices is the coalition of national health and social care organisations that ensures a strong voice for all those who come into contact with the NHS and care services, and for the voluntary organisations that work for them.
Carers Leeds
Carers Leeds is part of the Carers Trust, a national network of carers centres. They work in partnership with carers, funders and partnership organisations including 111 GP practices across Leeds to provide support to unpaid carers. They have an experienced and dedicated staff team who provide confidential information, advice and support to carers.
Carers UK
Carers UK is a charity set up to help the millions of people who care for family or friends. They provide information and advice about caring alongside practical and emotional support for carers. Carers UK also campaigns to make life better for carers and influences policy makers, employers and service providers, to help them improve carers' lives.
Patient Opinion
Patient Opinion is a forum for patients to share their experiences and have them directed by Patient Opinion to the correct org/manager. Organisations can subscribe to Patient Opinion for them to undertake patient opinion work for them as part of their service user feedback system.
People tell us that the most important thing for them is that their story is used to make NHS services better for other people. So, we will always try to send your postings to just the right manager, so that they see what you think. We know that they listen because they post replies saying how they have improved a particular service.
Health Talk Online
Healthtalkonline is the award-winning website of the DIPEx charity. Healthtalkonline and its sister website, Youthhealthtalk, let you share in more than 2,000 people's experiences of over 60 health-related conditions and illnesses. You can watch video or listen to audio clips of the interviews, read about people's experiences if you prefer and find reliable information about specific conditions, treatment choices and support.
Patient Advice and Liaison Service
The Patient Advice and Liaison Service, known as PALS, has been introduced to ensure that the NHS listens to patients, their relatives, carers and friends, and answers their questions and resolves their concerns as quickly as possible. PALS Online provides a range of information to the public, healthcare and other professionals about the NHS's Patient Advice and Liaison Services.