Winarsih Nur Ambarwati
- PhD title: Exploring the concept and nature of premarital preconception care for maternal and family health in Indonesia: A qualitative case study design
I am studying the concept and nature of premarital preconception care (PPCC). Given the lack of evidence relating to the outcome of PPCC, it is important to understand the nature of the concept and how inclusive it is for men in the PPCC process. Research findings will be used to inform practice and provide a platform from which further research can be designed with a view to developing targeted interventions and providing informed practice and policy.
What I enjoy most is being able to really focus on the area in detail with the extraordinary support from the supervisory team. What I have found most challenging is writing a thesis in a second language. To deal with this, I just have to keep studying hard and not give up. PhD is a training process. It's slow and takes time, but is worth it for the long-term worthwhile investment.
Studying at Leeds University made me truly experience international standard learning. Leeds is a welcoming and comfortable city.
My PhD is funded by the Directorate General of Resources for Technology and Higher Education, Republic of Indonesia.
Professor Linda McGowan and Dr Yu Fu – School of Healthcare.