Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
Toby Donaldson, Alumni, School of Psychology Toby Donaldson Psychology
Vanessa Karsh BSc Psychology alumnus case study 2018 Vanessa Karsh Psychology BSc
Claire cox BSc Psychology international case study 2018 Vern Mei Pang Psychology BSc Malaysian
Vinami Yulian - International PhD Student Vinami Yulian
Virginia gerazouni BSc Psychology alumnus case study 2018 Virginia Gerazouni Psychology BSc Greek
Yoa zhao Psychology PhD student case study 2018 Yao Zhao MSc Psychological Approach to Health and PhD candidate
Ziyingh liu Ziyingh Liu Psychological Approaches to MSc
Psychology student profile Zoƫ Tomlinson Psychology BSc