Lauren Ramsey

Lauren Ramsey

In my first year of undergraduate studies, I began volunteering as an Applied Behavioural Therapist, which involved applying behavioural theory to the development of autistic children. I enjoyed this rewarding role as it was flexible around my studies and helped me to gain transferable skills which are still a great talking point on my CV and in interviews.

In between my second and third year of my degree, I completed a year in industrial placement with the Bradford Institute for Health Research. This sparked my interest in becoming an applied researcher in health psychology, working in an area where you can see the direct impact that your research is having. This was the key enabler for me gaining PhD scholarship with the team.

Before my fourth year of undergraduate studies, I completed a summer internship with a digital health company, Inhealthcare. This led to flexible permanent paid employment where I was able to explore my interest in health psychology around my studies. I gained valuable insight into the structure of the NHS and built many working relationships which are ongoing.

Before beginning my PhD I also had a research assistant role at The University of Leeds, where I was able to build key research skills within the context of a large scale EU funded clinical trial which prepared me well.

Overall, I am thankful for the opportunities that my undergraduate studies at The University of Leeds provided, and I am excited for the future. I would encourage anyone to grab work experience opportunities that arise, as from my experience they are always helpful further down the line – I would particularly encourage students to consider an industrial placement.