Research groups

Group name Group summary
Academic Unit for Ageing and Stroke Research Our research aims to improve health status for older people and people with stroke through high quality collaborative research which will have positive impact on local, national and international services.
Amelogenesis Research Group The group aims to understand tooth, and specifically enamel, formation and function by studying conditions such as Amelogenesis Imperfecta, an inherited failure of enamel development.
Applied Health Econometrics Group The Applied Health Econometrics Group in the Academic Unit of Health Economics discusses quantitative methods in health and health care with a particular focus on causal inference and implementation in economic evaluation. We host presentations of modern empirical methods and discuss methodological issues.
Assessment Research Group Group summary: The members of the Assessment Research Group (ARG) have wide-ranging expertise in formative and summative assessment, feedback, quality assurance, psychometrics, standard setting and mixed methods research. Core members have important advisory roles with a range of external organisations – for example the General Medical Council and new UK medical schools. Its members publish regularly in the medical education assessment literature, receive external funding for their scholarship and research, and contribute to leading national and international medical education conferences.
Autoimmune Connective Tissue Diseases The Autoimmune Connective Tissue Diseases Group’s research focuses on a series of overlapping systemic diseases which result in inflammation of multiple organs. Through the use of laboratory studies, clinical trials and outcome measures research this group’s research topics cover a broad range of themes, from novel imaging tools to elucidating the role type I interferons play in the pathogenesis of a range of autoimmune diseases.
Biomedical Imaging Science Department Our research group's focus is on improving the understanding of normal physiology, mechanisms of disease and treatment effects through the development and application of precise biomedical imaging markers.
Cancer Epidemiology Group Led by Dr Amy Downing, the Cancer Epidemiology Group uses large scale datasets to research cancer, particularly bowel cancer. The group has extensive experience of using routine, NHS datasets to inform screening, treatment and service planning.
Cancer Survivor Intelligence Group The Cancer Survivor Intelligence (CSI) Group is led by Professor Adam Glaser and focuses on the collection of information from individuals living with and beyond cancer in order to generate enhanced intelligence on the consequences of cancer survival.
Care Home Research The Care Home research group is part of the Academic Unit of Elderly Care and Rehabilitation, and have established a strong and growing portfolio of research relevant to the residents of care homes. Our projects
Clinical and Population Science Department Our work concentrates on improving outcomes of individuals with, or at risk of, cardiometabolic conditions through a multidisciplinary approach involving complementary research in epidemiology, biostatistics, disease mechanisms, health services and clinical practice.
Complex Interventions Division Our work in Complex Interventions involves both definitive, large-scale, national, randomised controlled trials and earlier-phase research, including pilots, feasibility studies and intervention development; epidemiological studies and evidence synthesis; together with methodological research investigating real-world challenges of complex intervention evaluations.
Decision Modelling Group Our Decision Modelling Group in the Academic Unit of Health Economics is a methodological group which provides a forum for methods development and peer support in the area of health economic decision modelling and simulation.
Dermato-Rheumatology The Dermato-Rheumatology Group focused on diseases and conditions which affect the skin and musculoskeletal compartment, working to identify triggers and mechanism which cause the onset of these diseases. Through the research and development of non-invasive diagnostic procedures for psoriatic arthritis and lupus erythematosus, this group aims to improve detection and responses to therapy associated with early detection.
Discovery and Translational Science Department Our internationally recognised researchers perform high-calibre fundamental and translational studies in a number of areas, including ion channel biology, endothelial biology, thrombosis, inflammation, metabolism and developmental biology.
Division of Health Services Research The Division of Health Services Research at the University of Leeds provides expertise in qualitative and quantitative research methodology for projects focussing on health, healthcare, healthcare systems, healthcare technologies, service delivery and the inter-relationships between them.
Division of Primary Care, Palliative Care and Public Health The Division of Primary Care, Palliative Care and Public Health aims to promote the delivery of high quality health care and improve population outcomes through internationally excellent research and teaching. Our approach is underpinned by strong, sustained partnerships with clinicians, policy-makers and the public.
Early Phase Cancer Division Our work in Early Phase Cancer involves non-randomised and randomised controlled trials, which assess toxicity and tolerability and activity in interventions including chemotherapy, radiotherapy and biological agents. Our trials have innovative and novel methodologies which efficiently answer questions which provide evidence for interventions to be further evaluated or implemented.
Epidemiology and Biostatistics The Section of Epidemiology and Biostatistics brings together biologists, laboratory scientists, clinicians, psychologists, epidemiologists, biostatisticians and statisticians to develop, conduct and interpret research studies. We have a particular interest in cancer research.
Evidence Synthesis Group <p>The Evidence Synthesis Group in the Academic Unit of Health Economics has expertise in systematic review and evidence synthesis methods. We have extensive experience in literature searching, reference management, abstract screening and data extraction, and are happy to work with academic, NHS or industry partners.</p> <p> See the <a href="">LIHS Information Specialist website</a> for how we can support your research and teaching, plus training and guidance materials to support your research</p>
Foot and Ankle Studies in Rheumatology The Leeds Foot and Ankle Studies (FASTER) initiative is a strategic programme based on development of fundamental science, novel outcome measures, conduct of randomised controlled trials, and coordinated activity which aims to improve foot care services nationwide.
Frailty and Elderly Care Research The award winning Frailty and Elderly Care research group, part of the Academic Unit for Ageing and Stroke Research, addresses the needs of an ageing population. This population has life-long accumulated exposures which contribute to chronic disease and give rise to associated physical and mental health co-morbidities.
Healthcare Associated Infection Research Group Our group's research projects are diverse, including multiple aspects of Clostridium difficile infection, including pathogenesis, epidemiology, diagnosis, treatment and prevention, infection diagnostics, antibiotic resistance and the gut microbiome, staphylococcal and intra-abdominal infections, and the clinical development of new antimicrobial agents.
Imaging World class imaging in rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases.
Implementation Science The Implementation science group aims to take an evidence based approach to assessing how research and understanding is best translated to improve every day care.
Infection and Immunity Group The Infection and immunity group investigates these phenomena at the molecular level aiming to exploit our findings in the understanding and treatment of human diseases. Our research encompasses virology, structural biology, immunology, cancer biology and immunotherapy.
Inflammatory Musculoskeletal The unit has the principle of accurate phenotyping to predict prognosis through all stages of disease. The ultimate ambition is prevention of disease. The work is based on a nationwide network of primary care referrals. Arthritis prevention centres are being developed. Several stratified intervention studies have been undertaken.
Late Phase Cancer Division Our work in Late Phase Cancer involves large randomised controlled trials, which compare two or more interventions including chemotherapy, radiotherapy or biological agents. Our trials have innovative designs which efficiently evaluate novel interventions and evaluate personalised medicine approaches.
Leeds Pregnancy Research Group We lead research groups and projects across the span of pregnancy, from pre-implantation to postnatal heath and from basic science, through translational medicine to applied health research. All of our work ultimately aims to improve the health of pregnant women and their children across the life course.
Leeds Psychosis Research Group The Leeds Psychosis Research Group carries out research which aims to understand the causes of psychiatric disorders and intellectual disability.
Leeds Unit for Complex Intervention Development (LUCID) LUCID is a methodological research group based across LIHS and LICTR within the School of Medicine, developing and optimising complex healthcare interventions to improve patient and public outcomes.
Myeloma UK Concept and Access Research Programme In partnership with Myeloma UK, our research at the Leeds Myeloma UK CARP aims to delivery more trials, more quickly to patients with multiple myeloma and to focus on asking and answering the questions which matter most and bring earlier access to novel treatments for patients. We are the only clinical trials unit in the UK to carry out the full range of myeloma trials, from early to late phase giving more opportunities for patients to access new and innovative treatments and have a long history of successful collaborations with industry, academic institutions and charities.
Non-Inflammatory Musculoskeletal Our research group aims to improve the treatment and outcomes of people with common disorders such as osteoarthritis, tendinitis and multisite joint pain (the commonest presentation of people over 50, representing a mixture of osteoarthritis and tendinitis affecting multiple joints).
Oncolytic Virus Research Group We are a group of research scientists studying oncolytic virotherapy for the treatment of cancer. We aim to identify the best strategies for maximizing the therapeutic benefit of oncolytic viruses by potentiating both the direct oncolytic and tumour-specific, immune-mediated effects of these viruses and to translate our findings into the clinic for the benefit of patients.
Orthopaedics and Trauma Sciences Leeds Orthopaedics and Trauma Sciences is based at the University of Leeds and is part of LIRMM. It conducts, leads and collaborates in cutting edge research in musculoskeletal conditions. The group has secured funding in excess of 20 million from various grant bodies, charitable trusts as well as industry. Its current areas of translational research are in osteoarthritis, fractures, related large data sets, international health, sensor technology and patient outcomes.
Pathology and Data Analytics The Division of Pathology and Data Analytics is a fusion of academic pathology with data analytics teams to allow us to fully understand the importance of pathology/data advances to patient outcomes. We undertake translational research across a number of different types of cancer e.g. bowel, oesophageal, gastric, gynaecological and head and neck as well as in digital pathology/artificial intelligence, molecular pathology, embryology, cardiovascular disease and the microbiome in health and disease. Data is fundamental to understanding human behaviours in populations and medicine and driving translational science with data science expertise in bowel cancer, nutrition, molecular epidemiology and liver disease. Data scientists are critical to the future of the Division. We undertake pathology undergraduate and post graduate education and conduct translational research and support disease prevention, screening and treatment through clinical trials/studies to improve patient outcomes, including the application of new cutting edge technologies.
Perinatal Research Group The group's work covers a range of themes ranging from understanding disease aetiology through to the application of our findings in translational clinical trials.
Primary Care Oncology The Primary Care Oncology group attempts to address poor standards of cancer outcomes and rising cancer incidence in the UK by targeting earlier detection and diagnosis of cancer. This is paired with the promotion of behavioural changes, looking to prevent cancer development and to improve outcomes after diagnosis.
Professional Learning Group Our group focuses on research and scholarship in the area of transitions and identity. The group’s interests and expertise span qualitative research methodologies, workplace learning, professional identity development, interprofessional learning, patient and public involvement and patient safety and quality improvement.
Psychological and Social Medicine Our research focuses on mental health problems such as self-harm, medically unexplained symptoms and physical and mental multi-morbidity as well as psychoses and substance misuse. We also research psychological aspects of medical practice, such as decision-making and informed choice.
Regenerative Medicine Working collaboratively with academia, the NHS and industry, we undertake basic and translational research into human skeletal and joint resident stem cells. With a focus on uncultured cells and their native niches, we are developing novel and cost effective therapies for osteoarthritis and orthopaedic trauma.
Rehabilitation Medicine We are an internationally-leading research group focusing on developing and testing treatments that restore people’s independence, dignity and quality of life. Our aim is to maximise participation in society of people living with, or recovering from, long-term illness or injury.
Research at the Nuffield Centre for International Health and Development The Nuffield Centre for International Health and Development is an established specialist centre for Research, <a href=""> Consultancy and Advisory Services </a> and for <a href="" >under- and post- graduate Teaching </a> in Global Health. Our research is solution focused and addresses priority global health and development challenges to inform and improve population health and healthcare, including health policies, systems and practices. For over 40 years, the Centre has maintained its reputation for international leadership in global health, primarily in low- and middle-income countries.
Section of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Our work spans a number of a number of key areas within Obstetrics and Gynaecology, including the predicting and preventing adverse pregnancy outcomes and gynaecological cancer.
Section of Patient Centred Outcomes Research Our section focuses its research in several areas, with the common aim of using Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMS) to improve quality of life and patient-centred care.
Specialist Science Education Department Our vibrant community of around 30 academic staff engage in a broad range of innovative and evidence-based scholarship practice that underpins provision of a diverse portfolio of outstanding education programmes attractive to a global audience.
St Gemma's Academic Unit of Palliative Care St Gemma's Academic Unit of Palliative Care aims to improve the care of those nearing the end of life through integrated research, teaching and clinical practice. The integration of academic and clinical practice is strengthened by its location on two sites: the University of Leeds and St Gemma's Hospice.
Stroke Rehabilitation A part of the Academic Unit for Ageing and Stroke Research, the stroke rehabilitation groups is a world-leading centre for stroke research.
Supervisor pool - International PhD research below is the current supervisor pool for projects in the LICAMM International PhD academy.
Surgical Interventions, Diagnostics and Devices Our portfolio of work in Surgical, Diagnostic and Device Interventions ranges from definitive, large-scale, international, randomised controlled trials to single-centre, earlier-phase research including feasibility and qualitative work; together with methodological research investigating real-world challenges of surgical and and device evaluations.
Technologies in Medical Education The Technologies in Medical Education research strand has a focus on research into developing and evaluating technologies to enhance learning and teaching.
Test Evaluation Group Health economists in our Test Evaluation Group (TEG) at the Academic Unit of Health Economics specialise in the evaluation of medical tests and related technologies (i.e. ‘MedTech’) – including screening, predictive, diagnostic, prognostic and monitoring technologies. We have specialist expertise in conducting early- and late-stage economic evaluations and work closely with both academic and industry partners. For further information please contact the TEG Lead, Dr Alison Smith (
The Health and Wellbeing of Older People The Health and Wellbeing of Older People research group investigates new ways to improve care for older people in the UK. We address the challenges facing an ageing population through research into new patient centred approaches to care and issues of workforce.
The Leeds CRUK CTU based at Leeds CTRU Our research at the Leeds Cancer Research UK CTU aims to bring more opportunities for cancer patients to access new and innovative treatments. We are focussing on two groups of patients; those with cancers of the blood and those who are treated with radiotherapy. Our trials have innovative and designs which efficiently evaluate novel interventions and personalised medicine approaches.
The Melanoma Research Group The Melanoma Research Group uses genetic epidemiology to understand why people get melanoma and what determines survival after diagnosis.
The Radiotherapy Research Group We deliver internationally leading, patient focused, radiotherapy research that improves cancer outcomes and reduces side effects. We are a multidisciplinary research team with expertise ranging from pre-clinical radiation biology through to phase III clinical trials. Tumour site interests include gastrointestinal, brain, urological and lung cancers.
The UK-China Health and Economy Partnership The UK-China Health and Economy Partnership (UK-CHEP) promotes long-term collaboration in health economics and Health Technology Assessment for the mutual benefit of leading academic institutions in the UK and China, which has been funded by GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and is overseen by the British Council.
Vision Research Group The Vision Research Group uses a variety of approaches to study diseases of the eye and of vision.