British Heart Foundation 4-Year PhD Programme Application: Supporting Statements
Please copy the statements below into a Word document and complete them, Once complete, please submit your document as part of your required application documents.
- A summary of your academic and employment achievements
Please highlight any awards, scholarships or outstanding achievements, such as excellent module results, project outcomes and final/predicted grades and include the subjects of your previous degrees. Maximum 200 words*
- An explanation of your motivation to do a PhD within our BHF 4 Year Programme and within your chosen research theme
Please include why you want to study for a PhD, your suitability for the programme and your chosen research theme, and what you would gain from being part of the BHF 4 Year Programme. Maximum 200 words*
- A description of a situation in which you have gathered evidence, used this evidence to come to conclusion(s) and inform action(s)
This is a competency-based question designed to show your skills and potential. Your answer could include an experience from research, employment, voluntary work, committee membership or education. Maximum 200 words*
* Please do not mention your name, gender identity or institutions you have studied at. We are operating a shortlisting process with this information anonymised as part of our EDI strategy to increase diversity in STEM. Responses exceeding the word limit will receive a reduced score.