Jamie Broadley, Alumni, School of Psychology

Jamie Broadley

After graduating I worked as an assistant psychologist and played professional rugby. This combination of wellbeing and performance lead me to become interested in Organisational Development roles and I was lucky to get a position with Cafcass within their HR team. During this time the national focus on staff wellbeing was gathering momentum and, having worked in the NHS previously, I jumped at the chance to take my current role when it came up.

A degree from the School of Psychology has benefited me in the workplace as Psychology is a discipline that provides benefits across every industry and sector. Being able to think and analyse from this perspective is a meta-skill that workplaces are increasingly desperate for in my experience. Furthermore, the focus on research that Leeds gives its courses are invaluable when evidencing interventions at work and give an advantage over those who aren’t familiar with research methodologies.

At the time I was very focused on going down the clinical psychology route. This is a tough path with very few applicants making it onto courses. I think that, given the range of transferable skills that studying psychology offers, it would have been useful to be open minded about potential career routes, especially given the more fluid nature of the modern job market.