Fifth year student Emma Toner recieves prestigious RCGP award
Emma Toner, one of our 5th year MBChB students, has been awarded Medical Student of the Year by the Royal College of General Practitioners.
AUHE hosts Mixed Methods Systematic Review Courses 2020
Bookings have opened for a 2-day Mixed Methods Systematic Review and 1-day Literature searching course led by Katie Sutcliffe, UCL and Judy Wright, AUHE.
UK-China Health and Economy Partnership Project (UK-CHEP)
The UK-China Health and Economy Partnership Project (UK-CHEP) sponsored by GSK and the British Council aims to promote long-term collaboration in health economics and Health Technology Assessment for
Roundtable discussion at the 2nd China HTA Conference
Professor Chris Bojke was part of the panel for a roundtable discussion on the Meaning of Value-based Healthcare at the 2nd China HTA Conference in Beijing.
New research finds unpredictable evolution in brain tumours
When brain tumours are treated with radiation or chemotherapy their cells evolve in a way that appears to be random, according to research published today in Nature.