
Results 181 to 185 of 343 in Academic Unit of Health Economics, School of Medicine

covid-19 research SAGE

Experts from the School of Medicine at the University of Leeds are advising the Government on the covid-19 pandemic, including as members of influential scientific panels.

covid cancer study

The Covid-19 emergency could, over the next year, lead to a 20% rise in the number of deaths from people who have been newly diagnosed with cancer, according to research supported by DATA-CAN.

Elderly Care Research story

Health Data Research (HDR) UK is today announcing the funding of a £3.4m innovative data initiative in the north of England, involving experts from the University of Leeds.

University of Leeds staff working on a digital screen

Leeds Institute for Data Analytics (LIDA) is providing a powerful new covid-19 data alliance with secure infrastructure, scientific expertise and access to global academic research networks.

playing games consoles

Playing video games as a young child has been linked to an increased body mass index (BMI) as a teenager.