
Results 226 to 230 of 343 in Academic Unit of Health Economics, School of Medicine

Cancer research university of leeds

Today we’re delighted to announce that Mr Joshua Burke from the University of Leeds, has been awarded Research Fellowships, funded jointly by the charity and the Royal College of Surgeons of England.

researcher at the st james institute university of leeds

The School of Medicine has developed a new MSc Cancer Biology and Therapy course to meet demand from students keen to pursue a career in cancer research.

Jadu natalie and mum iresine after chemo 2013

Researchers in Yorkshire are collaborating on a new national data hub that aims to transform how cancer data from across the UK can be used to improve patient care.

Pal care old people dying

A collaborative study led by Andy Clegg from the Academic Unit of Elderly Care & Rehabilitation, Leeds Institute of Health Sciences (LIHS), has been awarded £550,000 from the NIHR HTA programme to develop the next version of the multi-award winning electronic frailty index (eFI).

Postgraduate students in a lecture in the School of Dentistry

Congratulations to the Patient and Carer Community at Leeds Institute of Medical Education (LIME) for being awarded yet another ASPIRE to Excellence Awards.