Brain Cancer Research Group
- Group summary: We are a consortium of investigators working to understand the processes that promote the development of different brain cancers, translating our findings for the benefit of brain cancer patients.
- Website:
What we do
We are a consortium of investigators from both basic research and clinical backgrounds, working to understand the processes that promote the development of different brain cancers, and translate our research findings for the benefit of brain cancer patients. Aggressive brain tumours have devastating outcomes for patients and their families.
All academic staff in the Section contribute to teaching in their specialist areas, including the teaching of medical students and undergraduate and postgraduate life sciences students.
Aims and objectives
Through understanding their biology and establishing a clear route from laboratory to the clinic, we aim to contribute to more efficacious treatments for these diseases.
Who we are
Cancer Research UK, Yorkshire Cancer Research, CandleLighters, Brain Tumour Research and Support, Medical Research Council, the PPR Foundation, The Brain Tumour Charity, Breast Cancer Now, the British Heart Foundation.