Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
Marjorie teo 400 Marjorie Teo Medicine and Surgery MBChB Malaysian
Nursing (Adult) BSc Megan Cort Nursing (Adult) BSc
Mercy akerele Mercy Akerele PhD Medical Physics
Alna Dony Medicine MRes
Alna Dony Medicine MRes
Social work student profile Nolan Flint-Taff Social Work BA
Omar portrait Master of Research in Medicine student Omar Khalil Medicine MRes
Richa gandhi PhD student picture at Leeds University Richa Gandhi PhD Tissue Engineering & Regenerative Medicine Canadian
Graduation Ruth Sutton MSc Clinical Embryology and Assisted Reproduction Technology
Psychology student profile Serena Guillemard Psychology BSc
Sofia Arkhipkina Mres Sofia Arkhipkina Medicine MRes
Student midwife profile Stephanie Hopwood Midwifery (Blended Learning) BSc
Tianyn wang 400 Tianyu Wang Psychology BSc Singaporean
Tim tze 400 Timothy Wong Jzun Tze Psychology BSc Malaysian
Student profile midwifery Tyler Parkinson Midwifery (Blended Learning) BSc
vincent pettival profile Vincent Pettival Nursing (Adult) BSc
Psychology student profile Zoƫ Tomlinson Psychology BSc