
Results 266 to 270 of 397 in Faculty of Medicine and Health


Melanoma patients with a history of smoking cigarettes are 40 per cent less likely to survive their skin cancer than people who have never smoked, according to new research.

Child glasses jadu

A new trial launched today aims to ensure primary school children get the glasses they need in order to improve their maths and reading skills.

Cruk leeds ctu team

Leeds doctors and academics have received a major cash boost from Cancer Research UK for pioneering research into cancer.

Hands on head sexual

More than 4 in 5 men (81%) with prostate cancer struggle with poor sexual function following treatment for the disease, but over half (56%) fail to receive support, according to new research.

Ivf pic News

Treating male infertility using a new IVF technique does not increase the likelihood of having a baby, according to the results of a randomised controlled trial.