
Results 71 to 75 of 343 in Academic Unit of Health Economics, School of Medicine

A doctor and a patient discussing medication

One in five GPs could be unwilling to prescribe aspirin to patients with a cancer-causing syndrome, despite national guidelines advising it, new research has found. 


Leeds researchers explored whether act of hand drying, and the method used, could lead to formation of aerosols

A large crowd of people walking in a busy road

Europe will face a cancer epidemic in the next decade if weaknesses in cancer health systems and cancer research are not urgently addressed, say the authors of a major new report.

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia microscope analysis

A new method for risk stratifying patients with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia could allow healthcare professionals to better guide their treatment plans for improved patient outcomes.

Jessica Jaffrey being presented a prize cheque for £1,000 by one of the judging panel in front of the audience of the Monty Lowosky Memorial Lecture

The Annual Monty Losowsky Memorial Lecture returned to campus on Thursday 13 October.