
Results 16 to 20 of 38 in Leeds Institute of Medical Research at St James's, The Radiotherapy Research Group

Research image DNA peaks 2x1

Professor Philip Quirke, from the Leeds Institute for Medical Research at St James’s, has been awarded nearly £2.5 million from Cancer Research UK, as part of their new Grand Challenge funding.

Dr Kate Marks

Congratulations to Dr Kate Marks, Academic Clinical Fellow

histopathology stock

Could a commonly-prescribed anti-sickness drug be the answer for the 1.3 million people in the UK who suffer the pain and misery of irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhoea (IBS-D)?

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Both aspirin and a purified omega-3, called EPA, reduce the number of pre-cancerous polyps in patients found to be at high risk of developing bowel cancer, according to new research.

Abstract research and innovation image

Gene editing has been used to fix broken retinal cells in a laboratory setting.