Sustained excellence in research from REF 2021

A UK-wide assessment confirms the international significance and impact of Dentistry research at the University of Leeds.
The School of Dentistry is delighted to announce our outstanding results achieved in the Research Excellence Framework 2021 (REF 2021), the national exercise that assesses the quality of research in UK higher education institutions.
In REF 2021, the School of Dentistry was submitted in Unit of Assessment 3 (UoA3), combined with staff from the Schools of Healthcare and Medicine. Each UoA was assessed on the quality of Outputs (originality, significance & rigour), Impact (reach & significance) and Environment (vitality & sustainability).
The results confirmed that overall, 95% of our research activity within our UoA3 submission was either ‘world-leading’ (4*) or ‘internationally excellent’ (3*). We are proud that the vitality of the School’s research environment has been recognised by the REF 2021 panel of experts and peers through the highest possible rating of 4*; world leading.
The REF 2021 results are a ringing endorsement of the full range of high-quality impactful research on which we lead and collaborate. I would like to take this opportunity to celebrate everyone who manages, undertakes and supports our research.
The REF 2021 results demonstrate that our researchers, along with their collaborators, continue to expand the frontiers of knowledge in the Oral and Dental Sciences and are achieving real-world impacts. The School’s success is testament to our dedicated and creative academics working within the highest quality clinical, methodological, translational, and technological facilities. Our collaborative ways of working across the clinical and basic sciences results in excellent interdisciplinary work within and between the Oral Musculoskeletal Sciences and the Applied Health and Clinical Translational groups.
Further notable achievements include:
Our research impact was rated very highly, with 100% of UoA 3’s impact case studies and 91% of research outputs rated as ‘world-leading’ or ‘internationally excellent, demonstrating high quality societal benefit.
Researchers in the School collaborate with a wide range of external partners across the globe (e.g. USA, China, Brazil) to advance knowledge and translate their research into real world solutions.
Our Director of Research and Innovation, Prof Gail Douglas adds “We look forward to building on these successes as we pursue our School research vision and strategy over the next 5 to 10 years. I am grateful to the core team for their efforts in capturing the success of the School of Dentistry during the REF2021 cycle.”
Further information
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View the University of Leeds' REF 2021 results for all units of assessment