More work needed on children’s supervised toothbrushing programmes
Barriers to running supervised toothbrushing programmes for young children must be overcome if the UK government is to successfully tackle childhood tooth decay, researchers say.
Leeds surgeons perform UK-first brain tumour operation
A groundbreaking operation to remove a patient’s brain tumour through her eye socket has been performed in Leeds.
Trial participants with facial prostheses have portraits painted
Patients who wear facial prostheses after treatment for head and neck cancer have had their portraits painted to illustrate the physical and psychological impact of living with a facial difference.
Text messages 'help improve teen tooth health'
Text message reminders can help improve toothbrushing habits in teenagers, particularly those from low-income families, a new study has shown.
A self help guide for chronic orofacial pain including TMD
Patients suffering from chronic pain in the face, mouth or jaw can download a self-help guide proven to benefit them in managing their condition.