Indonesian Midwifery student visit

UNISA University Students and lecturers visit Baines wing, Leeds General Infirmary, St James's Hospital during 10 day stay.
The School of Healthcare has hosted a ten day visit from a group of eight Masters of Midwifery students and two Midwifery Lecturers from UNISA University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
This is the result of an existing relationship the School of Healthcare has with UNISA and part of 'The International Practice Project', module in their Master of Midwifery degree. This aims to give students experience of midwifery practice, maternal healthcare delivery and midwifery education in other countries. The strong relationship that the School has developed with the department at UNISA University, including a Memorandum of Understanding, provided the opportunity to host this visit and demonstrate the School's excellence regarding midwifery education, research and practice.
The students had a packed schedule which included clinical visits to Leeds General Infirmary Maternity Unit and St James's Hospital, and presentations from the School's academic and research staff and PhD students with specialisms in midwifery. The group also took in the School's Postgraduate student conference and were given a research showcase by Professor Linda McGowan, the visit lead. Their visit was rounded off with a celebration lunch and awards ceremony in the Worsley Building, before a visit to the Christmas markets.