Leeds University announces five online courses on innovative medical technologies.

Major advances in technology are driving innovation in healthcare technology. The Faculty of Engineering at the University of Leeds has produced several online FutureLearn courses to explore the various innovations in this ever-evolving field.

The topics covered highlight our Universities expertise in the areas such as orthopaedics and regenerative medicine to exploring the benefits of genomics in improving patient care.

Learn more about these various courses at the following links:

MedTech: AI and Medical Robots

Explore human-robot interaction and enter the fascinating world of robotics and artificial intelligence in healthcare.

Medtech: Exploring the Human Genome

Discover how advances in genomics are transforming medtech for healthcare with this online genomics course.

Medtech: Trends and Product Design

Explore the product design process of medtech devices and examine future trends in healthcare technology and the medtech industry.

Medtech: Digital Health and Wearable Technology

Digital devices are revolutionising healthcare as we know it. On this course, you will explore the impact of these new technologies on healthcare professionals and their patients.

Medtech: Orthopaedic Implants and Regenerative Medicine

>On this course, you will learn about the medtech currently used in orthopaedics, and explore how the benefits of regenerative medicine will affect the future of this technology.