QAS Level 1 Award to Clinical Photography

On Wednesday 22nd August, the Clinical Photography department was visited by Julian Hartley (Chief Exec of LTHT), who presented them with a certificate for achieving the QAS Level 1 Award.
On Wednesday 22nd August, the Clinical Photography department was visited by Julian Hartley (Chief Exec of LTHT), who presented them with a certificate for achieving the QAS Level 1 Award.
The QAS (Quality Assurance Standards) from the Institute of Medical Illustrators is a nationally accredited award given to medical illustration departments that evidence a ‘well-structured medical illustration service that contributes to the care pathway at various stages with the provision of standardised photography’. They have now become one of only a handful of departments in the UK that currently have this accreditation, following an extension submission of evidence and an onsite audit.
We would like to congratulate the Clinical Photography department on their fantastic achievement!
Names left to right
Tom Archer (Clinical Photographer)
Colin Sullivan (Clinical Photographer)
Julian Hartley (Chief Executive of LTHT)
Rob Rathbone (General Manager)
Dr John Steele (Clinical Director)
Timothy Zoltie (Head of Department)
Zoe Wilson (Senior Clinical Photographer)
Chris Hughes (Clinical Photographer)