Student support

To make sure you’re settled, happy and supported during your time with us at Leeds, we offer a wide range of dedicated student support services. We'll work with you to ease your transition into the School of Dentistry, where there are lots of places to turn. From one-to-one appointments to group meetings or drop-in sessions – face-to-face and online – we're here to help.
Student Support Team
Our Student Support Team, based within the Student Education Service, are the first point of contact if you have questions about anything affecting your studies. From welcoming you during induction, to offering pastoral care and putting you in touch with the right people (if you experience health or financial problems, for example) right through to setting up your graduation day, our helpful team are here to make your degree go as smoothly as possible.
We have in-house support specific to dentistry students called Denstudy, and our friendly team offers you both academic advice and pastoral care.
Study advice
Whether you come to us straight from school, after a previous degree or via the world of work, we can offer helpful advice and tips on areas such as:
- assignment writing
- revision and exams preparation
- referencing
- making the most of your feedback
- presentations
- time management
- learning effectively online
We offer specialist support to international students joining us at Leeds. If you're an international student interested in finding out more, then why not contact an adviser.
The University encourages and welcomes applications from disabled people and aims to be as inclusive as possible through its application process, learning and teaching. For further details see our Taught Admissions Policy.
We also work closely with Disability Services to support disabled students in navigating any barriers to learning. Disability includes Specific Learning Difficulties (such as dyslexia and dyspraxia), as well as diagnosed mental health conditions, physical and sensory impairments, and long term medical conditions.
For guidance on how disability may impact your ability to study Dentistry please refer to the Dental Student Fitness Standards produced by the Higher Education Occupational Practitioners. Please check in particular sections 3 and 4: examples of practical procedures that all dentists must perform, and assessment of functional capacity.
The University’s Occupational Health team is available if applicants or prospective applicants have any specific queries about the health screening.
The University’s Disability Services team is available if applicants or prospective applicants have queries about support and adjustments available whilst studying at the University of Leeds.
Pastoral care
At Leeds, we offer a range of support services to help students through difficult times, or just when things aren't going according to plan. We're here to help you get the most out of your time with us.
If you ever need to chat - whether you experience difficult personal circumstances or you feel stressed out - our Pastoral Care Adviser offers individual appointments and drop-ins for all our students. We can listen, offer advice, and provide information about university services and useful resources. We do whatever we can to help.
Career Support and Personal Tutoring
All students are allocated a dedicated personal tutor for one-on-one tutoring and guidance. You'll have regular meetings to help you with all aspects of your university life, from pastoral issues to your academic and personal development.
Through Leeds for Life, you have the chance to shape your personal tutor meetings by creating your own meeting agendas. This means you'll decide the focus and be able to get the most out of your time with us.
With our support, you'll develop the right tools and skills for your career and to stand out in the competitive world of modern dentistry.
Peer Support
The School of Dentistry offers a range of opportunities to connect with and learn from your peers, whether through DentSoc’s Dental Parent Scheme, through Peer Assisted Study Sessions or informal get-togethers for mature students.
Other Support
At Leeds we have a wide range of support services to help to deal with whatever life has thrown at you - including the Counselling and Wellbeing Service, LUU Help and Support Team, and the Chaplaincy. And if you don’t know where to begin, our friendly staff can point you in the right direction.