
Because we offer a wide selection of courses, some have different application processes. Please see our breakdown of the application processes below.
Dental Hygiene BSc and Dental Therapy and Dental Surgery BChD and Oral Science BSc
For our undergraduate courses, the admissions process has 4 key parts:
1. Meeting the minimum entry requirements
When we receive your application, we will acknowledge receipt, and explain the timelines for how and when we will process your application.
For both courses, our first step is to screen applications to ensure they meet the programme requirements.
All applicants must meet the entry requirements with predicted or achieved grades. Any candidate who does not meet both GCSE and A Level (or equivalent) entry requirements will automatically be unsuccessful in their application.
Please note all applicants must have their GCSE before applying, as pending GCSE grades will not be considered.
2. UCAS application scoring
For both courses, our next step is to read and score your UCAS application and apply a mark, according to set criteria. For Dental Surgery applicants, this score takes into account your UCAT result. The UCAT is not required for BSc Dental Hygiene and Dental Therapy. Our personal statement guide offers important advice and things to consider including in your UCAS form.
UCAT is a computer-based admissions test used by a consortium of UK and international universities to help select applicants for their medical and dental degree programmes. We strongly recommend you prepare for the test. We do not accept other aptitude tests i.e BMAT or GAMSAT.
There are many materials to help you, including on the UCAT website.
3. Interviews
Interviews are compulsory for all applicants to both programmes. Candidates must attend an interview in order to be considered for an offer. They are typically held in February.
Guidance will be sent out with the invitations to interview, detailing what you should bring with you, and if you need to prepare anything.
Applying to our NHS courses
For three of the courses we offer to undergraduates, applications are made through the NHS.
BTEC Extended Diploma Dental Technology
Full time applications
The recruitment cycle for this course begins in April/May. Full time application is online via NHS jobs. Please contact our admission tutor Geoff Widdop, to request the date when the vacancy will go live and to find out more information about this course.
Part time applications
Please contact our admission tutor to request an application for the part time variant of the course.
Advanced Apprenticeship in Dental Nursing and the National Diploma in Dental Nursing
Applications are again made through NHS Jobs. For information on how to apply please contact Ellen Davison, our admission tutor for dental nursing.