
Results 91 to 95 of 576 in all schools

Doctors wearing surgical gowns and masks looking at medical scans

New research has identified a genetic marker that could be used to predict a patient’s risk of developing serious side-effects when undergoing immunotherapy treatment for metastatic melanoma.

Woman sitting on the sofa looking exhausted

A pacing rehabilitation programme that helps people with long COVID reduce their symptoms and increase activity levels has shown “impressive” results, say scientists.

A doctor and a patient discussing medication

One in five GPs could be unwilling to prescribe aspirin to patients with a cancer-causing syndrome, despite national guidelines advising it, new research has found. 

A person wearing a facemask, crying

People who reported contracting COVID-19 early in the pandemic were twice as likely to experience depressive symptoms 13 months later than those who did not, new research has found.


Leeds researchers explored whether act of hand drying, and the method used, could lead to formation of aerosols