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Dr Andrew Holmes wins prestigious research award
Dr Andrew Holmes, who obtained his PhD from Leeds Psychology in 1998, and who is now Chief of the NIAAA Laboratory of Behavioral and Genomic Neuroscience in Bethesda MD, has recently won the prestigious Daniel H Efron Research Award from the American College of Neurospsychopharmacology (ACNP).
Prestigious Allied Health Professional Fellowship awarded to Ruth
Ruth Nightingale has been awarded a Kidney Research UK Fellowship for renal research to support 13-18 year olds to become independent at managing their chronic kidney disease.
BRIGHT (Brushing Reminder 4 Good oral HealTh) Trial
The School of Dentistry is delighted to announce their involvement with a new research project led by the Universities of Dundee and Sheffield.
Report highlights experiences of lesbian, gay and bisexual people with cancer
Lesbian, gay and bisexual people tend to report having a poorer experience as a cancer patient than heterosexual people, according to a study.