
Results 151 to 155 of 397 in Faculty of Medicine and Health

Pet scans of brain

Leeds has been recognised as a Centre of Excellence in the way it integrates research and treatment for difficult-to-cure brain tumours.

DAta genes genomics computer 1400x700

Hundreds of cancer patients have benefitted from using computer algorithms to manage their symptoms and improve their wellbeing in a unique UK trial.

supermarket logo

Leeds Institute for Data Analytics and Sainsbury’s have formalised a strategic partnership to deliver a programme of data intensive research projects.

Colonoscopy news

A new study involving the University has found that since the first coronavirus lockdown the number of people diagnosed with bowel cancer in England has fallen sharply.

Image of brain tumour cells under a microscope

A new Leeds-based brain tumour Tissue Bank is set to open following donations from two Yorkshire charities.