Excellent Longstanding Service to Undergraduate Clinical Education Award

We wish to recognise NHS clinical teachers and other NHS staff who are due to, or have recently retired and have a reputation for teaching excellence and for supporting our students over many years.
This year, we wish to recognise 7 worthy recipients who have provided excellent educational support in teaching and facilitating exceptional student clinical placements.
Details of recipients are found below:
Dr Joseph Anathhanam, Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust.
Dr Anathhanam has been nominated by colleagues within Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust. His dedication and passion for undergraduate medical education has been demonstrated through the creation of a supportive and healthy learning environment for students and excellent placement feedback.
Mr Frank Cottingham, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust
Mr Cottingham, has been nominated by colleagues within Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust. Over the years, he has provided supportive, innovative and high quality educational opportunities and has been a consistent feature of excellent student feedback.
Dr Cathryne Hearnshaw, West Leeds Family Practice
Dr Hearnshaw, has been nominated by colleagues in recognition of her extensive contribution to undergraduate medical education in Primary Care. Over the years Dr Hearnshaw has provided students an exceptional learning experience where she has supported, encouraged and taught them, shaping them to become excellent doctors.
Dr Tariq Mahmood, Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Mahmood, has been nominated by colleagues within Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust due to his unending commitment and passion for teaching. Dr Mahmood has shown expertise in providing our students an excellent educational experience – teaching and supervising whilst supporting, encouraging and inspiring many a future doctor.
Mr Kevin Ross, Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust
Mr Ross, has received a nomination by colleagues at the Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust. Over the years, Mr Ross have demonstrated innovative flair and a passion for teaching which has been appreciated by the School of Medicine and especially students, through excellent placement feedback.
Mrs Sharon Walker, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Mrs Walker, has been nominated for this award in recognition of her excellent leadership of undergraduate teaching at Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. For a number of years, Mrs Walker has tirelessly provided a wonderful student experience whilst building and developing a team of educators who help deliver clinically driven curricula.
Mrs Gina White, Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Mrs White, has received a nomination from colleagues at Leeds and York Partnership NHS Foundation Trust. Over the years, Mrs White has been integral in undergraduate medical education and training due to her pivotal work in shaping their psychiatry placements.