Professor Adam Glaser
- Position: Professor of Paediatric Oncology and Late Effects
- Areas of expertise: Child Health; Late Effects of health conditions and treatments; Patient reported outcomes research (PROMs); Fertility preservation and reproductive health in cancer patients.
- Email: A.Glaser@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 6265
- Location: 11.72 Worsley Building
- Website: CHORAL
I am a health service researcher and clinician. I combine my clinical work as a paedaitric oncologist with a research programme focusing on child health outcomes research and the identification of the consequences of living with and beyond cancer. Specific interests are outcomes of cancer in young people and the reproductive and sexual health consequences of cancer.
Over the last 20 years I have been instrumental in moving the needs of individuals living with and beyond cancer from the marginal to the mainstream of the health service and political agendas. This has involved leading on national policy and generating core evidence to underpin policy change and investment in services.
Current activities include developing a robust programme of fertility preservation services across England and establishment of a UK population-based register of stored ovarian and testicular tissue and understanding the lived expereinces of young people with Sickle Cell Disorders and Thalassaemia.
Current roles in Leeds include:
- Director, CHORAL Child Health Outcomes Research at Leeds, a £5 million 5 year investment in Child Health Resarch across Leeds https://choralresearch.org.uk
- Medical Director of the largest specialist population-based register of cancer in young people diagnosed up to the age of 30 years.
- Clinical Lead for the 6 bedded Children's Clincial Research Facility site, part of the £11.6 million NIHR Leeds CRF.
- Research lead at Leeds Children's Hospital, with an annual reseach income in excess £1.5 million.
- Research Lead, Leeds Children's Hospital
- Clinical Lead, Children's Clinical Research Facility NIHR CRF@Leeds
- Director, CHORAL
Research interests
Major grants over last 5 years
- CHORAL Child Health Outcoems Research at Leeds. Leeds Hospitals Charity, Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust, University of Leeds £5million 2023-28.
- Yorkshire Specialist Register of Cancer in Children and Young People. Candlelighters £571,961. 2022-25.
- Prostate Cancer UK. Life after prostate cancer diagnosis. Glaser A and Gavin A (PIs) £2,120,289. 2014-19.
- Yorkshire Cancer Research. The Yorkshire Cancer Research Bladder Cancer Patient Reported Outcomes Survey. Catto J and Glaser A (PIs) £377,242. 2015-23.
- Macmillan Cancer Support. CPR for Cancer Outcomes: The use of comprehensive patient records (CPR) to define the impact of cancer, co-morbidities and late-effects on individuals and the health service. Glaser A & Hall G (PIs). £689,140.57. 2015-23..
- Candlelighters Trust. Paediatric Oncology/haematology Research Fellowship Programme. 2015-23. Glaser A and Kinsey S (Joint Programme Leads) £2,1190,358.38.
- BSc (Hons)
- DM
Professional memberships
Student education
The CHORAL Research Centre provides a thriving and supportive training environment for clincians and non-clincians interested in developing, or furthering, their child health research careers.
I have a successful track record of supervising post-graduate students and currently supervise both clincial and non-clinical students studying for PhDs funded through a variety of sources including the NIHR and HDR UK.
I have examined for PhDsand MDs nationally and internationally.
Research groups and institutes
- Leeds Institute of Medical Research at St James's
- Cancer Survivor Intelligence Group
- Cancer