
Results 131 to 135 of 317 in School of Medicine

Colonoscopy news

A new study involving the University has found that since the first coronavirus lockdown the number of people diagnosed with bowel cancer in England has fallen sharply.

Alison Smith and Paola Cocco have won the two top prizes at the Methods for Evaluating Tests and Biomarkers (MEMTAB) conference held in early December.

Image of brain tumour cells under a microscope

A new Leeds-based brain tumour Tissue Bank is set to open following donations from two Yorkshire charities.

Asymptomatic testing centre leeds university

As the University offers fast and free asymptomatic coronavirus tests on campus for all students, students from across the Faculty of Medicine and Health step in to help.

cancer research

A new less invasive treatment is safer than standard major surgery for early-stage rectal cancer, giving patients a better quality of life with fewer life-altering side effects, a pilot study shows.