
Results 6 to 10 of 323 in School of Medicine

Someone in a white lab coat pointing to a model liver

A new discovery about how the liver flushes cholesterol from the body could lead to more effective treatments for cardiovascular disease – the leading cause of death worldwide.

An older couple walking across a bridge

Patients’ risk of falling in the next 12 months could be predicted from their NHS data using a newly developed calculator.

elderly group sitting chatting representing  Successful ageing psychology research at the University of Leeds

Reimagine Ageing Doctoral Research Programme to improve quality of life, functional capacity and well-being of older people and through the Leeds Reimagine Ageing (RA) Network. Deadline 7 May.

NIHR Colour logo

Professor Gordon Cook and Professor Robbie Foy have been announced in the new line up of NIHR Senior Investigators.

2 scientists looking at x ray

Fewer middle-aged people are dying from cancer in the UK than at any point over the last 25 years, new research shows.