
Results 6 to 10 of 38 in Leeds Institute of Medical Research at St James's

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Hundreds of cancer patients have benefitted from using computer algorithms to manage their symptoms and improve their wellbeing in a unique UK trial.

Patients at Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (LTHT) taking part in clinical research trials will undergo treatment within the new £3.2 million purpose-built St James’s University Hospital Clinic

An ambitious new approach to tackling one of the most aggressive, complex and deadly forms of cancer, glioblastoma, launches today in the UK.

Research lab at St James

Men who develop prostate cancer could avoid having unnecessary surgery or radiotherapy thanks to a new, more precise genetic test which is being trialled in Leeds.

Cancer research university of leeds

Today we’re delighted to announce that Mr Joshua Burke from the University of Leeds, has been awarded Research Fellowships, funded jointly by the charity and the Royal College of Surgeons of England.