Nada Dahlawi


Nada is an international postgraduate student in the school of healthcare at the University of Leeds. Working as a child health nurse in Saudi Arabia, Nada has grown a passion for improving the healthcare provided to children and young people in Saudi Arabia, particularly those with congenital heart diseases (CHD). 

Nada has worked as a child health instructor in the Faculty of Nursing at the University of King Abdu-Aziz University in Saudi Arabia, from where she granted a scholarship to start her PhD study in The University of Leeds. 

Research interests

Nada is interested in enhancing the quality of life for children and young people with CHD. Thus, in her PhD study, she is focusing on how CHD would impact the children's behavioural and emotional status, by exploring the young children's (4-10 years old) voices to provide their perceptions and their parents' views on the children's behaviour and emotions. 


  • BSc General Nursing, King Abdul-Aziz University, Saudi Arabia
  • MSc Advanced Nursing, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK